Alternative Medicine & Complementary Medicine & Integrative Medicine

Alternative Medicine & Complementary Medicine & Integrative Medicine

The definition of alternative medicine in our country has taken precedence over the definitions of complementary and integrative medicine. The alternative method described here involves scientific methods.

Holistic approach to the patient and the disease underlies the holistic approach to the patient and the disease. It is not an alternative of medicine. Its’ many methods are involved in Western medicine and can be applied with conventional treatments as we call it. The most important characteristic of it is that instead of treating the complaints of the patient, it tries to treat the whole body. Another important point is that instead of using the medicines the drug industry produced, it generally uses the methods, which affect the body’s network.

At the beginning of an illness, changes occur in the nervous system in other words in the body’s network before the structural damages. For this reason, the approach to healing and patients must primarily be at an energetically-informative level. As drug based medicine deals locally with the cellular damage, which is the last stage, it cannot help the patient in the long term or explain the cause of many diseases.

As a result of the overall healing of the patient, the methods included in integrative and/or complementary medicine proves quicker discovery compared to conventional treatment. Physicians with this point of view use conventional methods more effective and correctly.

The Common Scientific Methods of Integrative/ Complementary Medicine included in Alternative Medicine

  • Neural Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Magnetic Field Therapy
  • Family Constellation
  • Psychotherapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Manuel Therapy, Osteopathy, Chirotherapy
  • Kinesiology, O-Ring Test
  • Phytotherapy
  • Oxygen, respiration and ozone

The most important thing for physicians who will use these methods is the cause-effect relationship. According to the cause-effect relationship, there are some disruptions, which underlie every illness. If these causes are detected, many illnesses can be treated permanently and effectively. In particular, adverse situations patient experienced should be taken into account. With a good past story and listening to the patient effectively, we can uncover the causes of the illness. If the physician adapts to this kind of work, he may not even need advanced technological investigations.

Emel Gökmen