Categories: Migraine & Headaches

Types of Migraine

Types of Migraine

Migraine without aura is the most common type and sometimes called common migraine. Patient may feel the need to eat something sweet before; and nausea and vomiting during the pain.

Migraine with aura has a special characteristic. Patient experiences neurological problems, most common of which are visual symptoms. Following these visual symptoms, called scintillation, comes the headache. It is possible having only the visual symptoms, not the headache or in some cases neurological symptoms as well. This condition, although being called as silent migraine is not silent at all. It causes the patient a lot of trouble.

Alongside of these, there are some rare types too and some of them may be listed as follows:
• Basilar migraine: the brain stem is affected and speech disorder, dizziness, ringing in the ears, double vision and balance problems may accompany the problem.
• Confusional migraine: clouding of consciousness is observed on patients.
• Ophthalmologic migraine: double vision is observed, due to the problems affecting the muscles moving the eyes.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, there is the scariest type: hemiplegic migraine. This type of migraine causes the patient to become temporarily paralyzed. Headache may accompany this condition in some cases.

Abdominal migraine and migraine with vomiting attacks are mostly common in children. Those types are usually lack of headaches. In some cases the child may vomit and have headache at the same time. Children may also experience migraine attacks with vertigo. Also, growing pains in the leg are seen as migraine by some as well.

Emel Gökmen