Categories: Migraine & Headaches

The Link Between Headache and Teeth – Turkey Clinics Article

The Positive Neurological Systemic Effects of The success of a Composite Restoration

ABSTRACT: In their clinical practice dentists come across patients who think their headache and face pain are related to their teeth. These cases who have autonomic changes in the same side of their faces along with their teeth, have pain structures with the features of neuralgic-autonomic pain. Any tooth in dental-jaw complex which has lost its integrity can be the cause of cluster headache with the features of neuralgic-autonomic pain and trigeminal neuralgia. In the mechanism in which pain is triggered, the transmission is through the autonomic nervous system including the cell and its surrounding. Gokmen Approach has detected this condition and the pain type with the appropriate treatment protocol and has successfully managed pain control in cluster headache and trigeminal neuralgia patients. As a result of this study which shows that even an initial decay can cause neuralgic-autonomic pain with case examples, the need for dentists to perform careful examination considering the story of the patient as well as his personality traits and take bite-wing radiological imaging if necessary, has been revealed. This study also emphasizes the importance of dentists in protecting general health.

Key Words: Cluster headache; migraine; trigeminal neuralgia; headache; Gokmen Approach
Turkish Clinics J Restorative Dent-Special Topics 2015;1(3):1-6
The article has been published as Turkish Clinics Restorative Dental Treatment Special Journal; 1 (3): 1-6.

Emel Gökmen