Life without migraine is possible provided that the causes are detected and it is treated naturally, without medication or surgery. Even though migraine is commonly considered as an incurable disease, it can actually be treated. As in every kind of pain, body cries for help in migraine as well. Contrary to classical approach which focuses on removing the pain, we can treat migraine only if we try to detect the causes.
How does Migraine Affect our Lives?
Migraine is the biggest cause of job loss. 90% of patients cannot continue to work during an attack. A person having an average of 2 migraine attacks per month loses 1 month in a year. Headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity in a migraine attack. It can also lead to psychological distress. In a study, 60% of the subjects complained of anxiety and depression.
Migraine is not just a headache. It is a disease caused by autonomic nervous system. Vessel-digestion-circulation which are the main functions of the autonomic nervous system are temporarily disturbed during an attack.
Migraine is Curable! Life Without Migraine is Possible
Migraine treatment is only possible with the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. When the interference fields are corrected, effective and long term migraine treatment can be provided. Treatments not performed this way are included in the group of less effective and short acting treatments.
The bio-electrical system is a whole. The transmission lines of this system reaches each cell including organs, body fluids and vessels uninterruptedly. Negative stimuli occurring anywhere in the autonomic nervous system manifest themselves on the entire functional system. The illness can emerge anywhere in the body.
How is Migraine Treated?
Migraine is the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (disruption of its’ functioning). As it is a disruption of functioning, many changes related to body functions occur during an attack. When the attack is over, everything turns back to normal. Films, tests and etc. cannot detect any problem. That is why, classical medicine classifies migraine as one of the diseases with an unknown cause. Body functions like vessels, bowel movements and sweating are affected during a migraine attack.
Interference fields in the body are the cause of this functional disease. Many people have interference fields in their throat infection focus, teeth, uterus and etc. However, only some people suffer from migraine. Genetics is the underlying reason for it. Stimulus can overturn the system of people from time to time whose nervous systems are genetically more sensitive and can easily be affected. As Wills said in 1670’s the trigger can be exploded any time by physical and emotional factors. These stimulus are often stress, sleep disorders, periodic hormonal changes, southwester and some food which are often considered to be the causes of migraine which is incorrect.
In the solution of migraine, primarily, interference fields overturning the autonomic nervous system should be detected. Some of the interference fields can be eliminated by neural therapy. The majority of patients with headaches have problems in their dental-jaw complex. It is necessary to cooperate with dentists in an academic level at this stage.
Provided that migraine is handled with this approach and recommended treatment approaches are applied, treating migraine is possible. “Life without migraine is possible.”