Chronic pain means long lasting pain. Usually, if the pain is there for over 3 months, it is called chronic. But for headaches, if it reaches 15 days, then it is chronic headache/migraine.
When the individual is constantly in pain, their life gets restricted. The flexibility and durability decreases and the immune system weakens. Also, pain makes the patient feel desperate, hence comes depression.
Pain is “Feeling the harmful things in the body” as İbn-i Sina put it. We can as well say that pain is the body’s cry for help.
- Pain protects us when there is an external factor that affects our body negatively. It keeps us away from dangerous things like fire, sharp objects and harmful chemicals.
- It makes it possible to detect diseases like cancer, appendicitis, biliary colic and hernias so patients can get treatment.
- Some pains may appear like they have no reason at all. The scans look clean. Headaches and widespread pain are examples to that.
Pains that seem like without a reason are the most joyous and easiest ones to treat with integrative medicine. Because there is nothing to detect with scans. There is just a malfunctioning in the body and once the source is detected, the solution is easy.
Most Common Chronic Pain Types and Their Solutions
Headache, migraine: Drugs help partly. Acupuncture and neural therapy may also be tried. Main focus is on finding the reason. All types of migraine can be cured if focused on the reason like Gökmen Approach does.
Fibromyalgia: Chronic fatigue and widespread pain all over the body. Acupuncture, neural therapy, yoga-meditation and Pilates can be the solution. Gökmen Approach provides good solutions by focusing on the reasons.
Low back, back, neck pain: Hernias, muscle spasms and arthritis can be the causes of the pain. But proper treatments (surgery, physiotherapy etc.) can be inadequate. Sometimes even hernia surgeries cannot dull the pain. Actually the operation is usually successful. Sometimes the scans do not show anything but the patient feels so much pain that he or she cannot properly function. All of these can be thought to indicate psychological problems however they do not. Gökmen Approach says that for successful treatment, collagen tissue (muscles and joint structure) should be fixed and the body should be rebalanced.
Post-op pain: Sometimes, despite the scar is healed the pain remains or an unexplained pain can be born around the area. This is the result of the bioelectrical problem around the lesions and does not respond to regular treatments. Only neural therapy can give good results.
Endometriosis, polycystic over syndrome, painful menstruations: Some women, especially young girls have these conditions. Their monthly periods cause a lot of pain and the reason for that is mostly the wisdom teeth in young girls and gynecological interferences (C-sections, abortions, intrauterine devices) in mature women. These sources should be detected and treated with neural therapy or dental treatments.
Rheumatic pain like arthritis: A rheumatology specialist should be visited first. And additionally, alternative solutions like neural therapy, acupuncture and prolotherapy can be tried. Gökmen Approach focuses on rheumatism and can obtain better results.
Neuropathic pain: It is the result of nerve damage and may occur after accidents, operations etc. Neural therapy is an effective solution.
Chronic pain affects life badly but solutions do exist. Gökmen Approach, for one, is developed as a solution to chronic pain.
“The fact that chronic pain patients are depressed, does not mean that their pain is not real.”