Categories: Gokmen Approach

Lower Back and Neck Hernia

How do Lower Back and Neck Hernia Occur? What are the Causes?

As well as lower back and neck hernia, facet joint degeneration, stenosis and degenerative disc disease are also problems which increase with age. The nerves go from the spinal cord to arms and legs through openings in the vertebrae (foramen). There is a passage like canal which it can pass through. Damage to the bone and cartilage (arthritis in a sense) and hernias can narrow these canals and compress the nerve travelling down the arm and the leg.

Lower back and neck pain in patients with lower back hernia is caused by spasms in the muscles around the spine. In order to protect the compressed nerve, body restricts movements. Besides, pain can occur along the arm and the leg which nerve reaches. Sometimes, compressed nerve cannot function and numbness, weakness and loss of reflex develop as a result. Related muscles begin to erode and legs and arms get skinny in time.

Even though the treatment is performed, there are some points patients suffering from a lower back herniated disc should pay attention to. Careful consideration of mechanical constraints should be prioritised. Healthy posture should be maintained while working, working desk should be arranged accordingly and patient should sleep on appropriate mattress and with an appropriate pillow. Exercises such as swimming backstroke, yoga and pilates are beneficial. Most importantly, the underlying causes should be corrected. As long as these causes are not treated, problems will recur as a result of a false move and an adverse condition and can lay a foundation for serious conditions like hernia.

Lower Back and Neck Hernia Treatment

In classical treatment approaches, surgery, medication, physiotherapy and exercises are commonly performed. Surgery should be performed only if nerves going down to arms and legs do not function. This condition called neurological loss means muscle weakness and reflex loss. Surgery is required in 10% of patients with lower back and neck hernia.

Problems of having a hernia continue after surgery or other treatment methods as these treatments resolve the problems only temporarily. Since the underlying causes are not resolved, the pressure on the spine continues.

Treatment performed with Gokmen Approach focuses on causes. As well as solving the causes, relieving the patient who is distressed and suffering from pain is required. Application of neural therapy on problematic region accelerates healing. If there is damage on the nerve and patient is in pain, rapid recovery is achieved.

Underlying causes should certainly be identified and corrected in patients with lower back and neck hernia. For this reason, network pressure of musculoskeletal system is corrected by neural therapy. Balance of the body is regulated with working with a gnathology and a prosthetic specialist.

Emel Gökmen