Categories: Fibromyalgia

What is Fibromyalgia? What are the Symptoms?

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disease that manifests itself with widespread pain but affects the whole body. The causes of these aches which are more felt in the back and nape, cannot be determined. Pain can also occur in the waist, arms, legs, hip joints and muscles.

Constant state of weariness, fatigue and feeling like doing nothing are typical in fibromyalgia. It also includes symptoms like unhappiness, sleep disturbances, tender and sensitive points in the body, morning stiffness in joints, sensation of numbness and swelling in hands and arms. The whole body can hurt as if it has been beaten up even in a small pressure. Irregularities in bowel movements such as constipation, gas and bloating occur. Along with the mentioned symptoms, fibromyalgia patients can also suffer from hormonal disorders such as painful and irregular periods, thyroid diseases and impaired glucose tolerance.

Fibromyalgia affects 2% of the population in society. Based on this, it can be said that there are 1.3 million patients with fibromyalgia in our country. Nearly 90% of fibromyalgia patients are female. Fibromyalgia is especially common in the 30-60 age group.

Stress, anxiety, sadness, traffic accidents and irregular and inadequate sleep and some viruses are considered to be the reasons of fibromyalgia. It is involved in the group of diseases which cannot be treated.

The above-mentioned causes are not the direct causes of soft tissue rheumatism. These factors can reveal the illness and increase the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Gokmen Approach has defined the causes and solutions for fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia and Soft Tissue Rheumatism Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a curable disease. In the treatment of fibromyalgia, medication, physiotherapy and various treatments with needles are tried. Despite being partially beneficial, patient cannot get healthy life energy back.

For fibromyalgia treatment, the causes of the disease should be removed first.

Causes of fibromyalgia determined by Gokmen Approach:

  • Hypersensitive nature of the person. This situation manifests itself as the organization of both the personality and the nervous system.
  • Connective tissue interference field (tonsil region). Throat infections which occurred in childhood or patient still has.
  • A balance disorder. As well as orthodontic treatments, missing teeth, unbalanced prostheses, most of all bruxism causes it.
  • Matrix accumulation caused by intestinal flora disorder.
  • Interference fields caused by gynaecological interventions (caesarean, abortion, the contraceptive coil) in women.

These 4-5 key features are notable in female patients.

First of all, interference fields are corrected by neural therapy. Significant improvement in patient’s life energy and pain is observed.

For a long-term and effective solution in the treatment of fibromyalgia, it is very important to provide balance. After balance of the teeth is provided and occlusal splint is prepared, the treatment achieves success. Patient can wake up rested and his neck and back pain can be minimized.

Personality of the patient cannot be changed and regulating toxicity of body and restoring intestinal flora is a very long term treatment. Gokmen Approach provides solution for fibromyalgia without detoxification in the treatment.

Emel Gökmen

Published by
Emel Gökmen